link GraphQL Schema definition
- input UpdateContactAccountRelationInput {
- String :
- # Unique identifier of entity.
- ID! :
- # Last modification time.
- DateTime :
- # Creation time.
- DateTime :
- # Relation to single entity instance.
- ID :
- # Simple text input field.
- String :
- # Relation to single entity instance.
- ID :
- # Boolean value.
- Boolean :
- # Boolean value.
- Boolean :
- # Boolean value.
- Boolean :
- # Simple text input field.
- String :
- # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
- OrgRelationshipTypeEnum :
- # Revision when entity was lastly changed.
- Int :
- # Relations to AccountRoles.
- CreateContactAccountAccountRoleRelationNoContactAccountRelationBackrefInput!] : [
- }