
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input CreateOnlineFormTypeInput {
  • clientMutationId: String
  • # Last modification time.
  • modified: DateTime
  • # Creation time.
  • created: DateTime
  • # Boolean value.
  • autoPrefillWithJavascript: Boolean
  • # Multi-line text input field.
  • description: String
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • entityType: BaseEntityTypeEnum!
  • # Form definition in json format.
  • formEdit: JSONString!
  • # Boolean value.
  • isEnabled: Boolean!
  • # Boolean value.
  • isReadonly: Boolean!
  • # Datetime information.
  • lastSchemaChange: DateTime
  • # Datetime information.
  • lastStatusChange: DateTime
  • # Name of the entity and its default text representation.
  • name: String!
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • ownerId: ID!
  • # Revision when entity was lastly changed.
  • revision: Int
  • customRecaptcha: CustomRecaptcha
  • }

link Require by