link GraphQL Schema definition
- type FieldEntity {
- # Tells if the entity instance is protected against delete (Entities that need to
- # be present in the system at any time). Delete action still may fail if entity is
- # deletable, due some other additional validations.
- Boolean! :
- Boolean :
- # Unique identifier of entity.
- ID! :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- Boolean :
- # Last modification time.
- DateTime :
- # Creation time.
- DateTime :
- # Related entity name for field (e.g. Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, ...)
- String! :
- # Immutable and generated name. This name is used for integrations.
- String :
- # User friendly name for field.
- String! :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- Int :
- # Simple text input field.
- String :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- Int :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- String :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- String :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- ID :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- Int :
- # Type of the field. Supported field types are: checkbox, currency,
- # currency_foreign, date, datetime, dropdown, email, float, input, integer,
- # multiselect_checkbox, phone, radio, sequence, text_area, url
- String! :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- ID :
- # Optional custom data set id can be set.
- ID :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- ID :
- # Calculated formula used for fields which supports calculation.
- String :
- # A default value for field.
- String :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- ID :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- Boolean :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- Boolean :
- # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
- #
- # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
- #
- Boolean :
- # If this field is allowed in global search.
- Boolean :
- # Field containing json.
- JSONString :
- # If true, then there will be an API validation if value of entity is unique.
- Boolean :
- # Arguments
- # includeDeleted: [Not documented]
- Boolean): [FieldDataSetRelation!] ( :
- # A sequence pattern used for sequence type of field.
- String :
- # Lookup field definition.
- LookupProperty :
- # Rollup field definition.
- RollupProperty :
- FieldOptionsProperty :
- # Advanced calculated formula
- AdvancedFormulaProperty :
- String! :
- String! :
- Boolean! :
- String! :
- # Arguments
- # includeDeleted: [Not documented]
- Boolean): [FieldPermissionEntity!] ( :
- UUID :
- JSONString! :
- String :
- String! :
- Boolean! :
- Boolean! :
- # Checks which permissions current user has on concrete entity instance.
- #
- # Arguments
- # permissions: [Not documented]
- EntityPermsEnum!]!): [EntityPermsEnum!]! ( : [
- }
link Require by
- CloudObjectRelationEntitynull
- CreateFieldPayloadnull
- CustomEntityRelationEntitynull
- DeleteFieldPayloadnull
- FieldEntityEdgeA Relay edge containing a `FieldEntity` and its cursor.
- FieldPermissionEntitynull
- FieldRepositorynull
- ForecastEntitynull
- StepChecklistEntitynull
- TranslationEntitynull
- UpdateFieldPayloadnull