
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type ClientEntity {
  • # Tells if the entity instance is protected against delete (Entities that need to
  • # be present in the system at any time). Delete action still may fail if entity is
  • # deletable, due some other additional validations.
  • isDeleteProtected: Boolean!
  • # Unique identifier of entity.
  • id: ID!
  • # Specifies if the entity is considered deleted.
  • isDeleted: Boolean
  • # Last modification time.
  • modified: DateTime
  • # Creation time.
  • created: DateTime
  • # Relation to single entity instance. Target entity is re-used and not deleted
  • # on de-association.
  • #
  • # Examples:
  • #
  • # Opportunity.owner -> Client, the Client is reused for many opportunities.
  • #
  • # Account.picture -> CloudObject, the CloudObject can be reused on many accounts.
  • #
  • defaultUnit: SalesUnitEntity
  • # Relation to single entity instance. Target entity is re-used and not deleted
  • # on de-association.
  • #
  • # Examples:
  • #
  • # Opportunity.owner -> Client, the Client is reused for many opportunities.
  • #
  • # Account.picture -> CloudObject, the CloudObject can be reused on many accounts.
  • #
  • masterRight: MasterRightEntity
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • defaultUnitId: ID!
  • # Email. Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • email: String!
  • # First name. Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • firstName: String
  • # Datetime information.
  • lastActive: DateTime
  • # Last name. Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • lastName: String
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • masterRightId: ID!
  • # Middle name. Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • middleName: String
  • # Phone number. Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • phone: String
  • # Picture name. Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • pictureUrl: String
  • # Simple text input field.
  • position: String
  • # Region. Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • region: String
  • # Timezone offset (DEPRECATED)Readonly information from UserProfile.
  • timezone: String
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • type: ClientTypeEnum
  • # Revision when entity was lastly changed.
  • revision: Int
  • # default_idp retrieved from user, if enabled [HEAVY]
  • defaultIdp: Int
  • # ID of the associated user account [HEAVY]
  • userProfileId: Int
  • # Relations to SalesUnits.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter SalesUnit relations by target SalesUnit
  • # attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter SalesUnitClientRelation relations by edge
  • # (relation) SalesUnitClientRelation attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order SalesUnit relations by target SalesUnit
  • # attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • unitMembership(
  • filter: SalesUnitFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: SalesUnitClientRelationFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [SalesUnitOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): SalesUnitClientRelationEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Appointments.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Appointment relations by target Appointment
  • # attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Appointment relations by target Appointment
  • # attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • appointmentFavorite(
  • filter: AppointmentFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [AppointmentOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Tasks.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Task relations by target Task attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Task relations by target Task attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • taskFavorite(
  • filter: TaskFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [TaskOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Accounts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Account relations by target Account attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Account relations by target Account attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • accountFavorite(
  • filter: AccountFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [AccountOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Contacts.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Contact relations by target Contact attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Contact relations by target Contact attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • contactFavorite(
  • filter: ContactFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [ContactOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Profiles.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Profile relations by target Profile attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Profile relations by target Profile attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • profileFavorite(
  • filter: ProfileFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [ProfileOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Reports.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Report relations by target Report attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Report relations by target Report attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • reportFavorite(
  • filter: ReportFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [ReportOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Leads.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Lead relations by target Lead attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Lead relations by target Lead attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • leadFavorite(
  • filter: LeadFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [LeadOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # Relations to Opportunitys.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter Opportunity relations by target Opportunity
  • # attributes.
  • # filterEdge: Filter ClientFavorite relations by edge (relation)
  • # ClientFavorite attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order Opportunity relations by target Opportunity
  • # attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • opportunityFavorite(
  • filter: OpportunityFilterInput,
  • filterEdge: ClientFavoriteFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [OpportunityOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): ClientFavoriteEntityConnection
  • # IANA timezone name from UserProfile
  • timezoneName: String
  • name: String
  • formattedName: String!
  • # List of all managed units (with expanded managed trees, includes whole
  • # managed unit subtree).
  • #
  • unitManagerIds: [UUID!]!
  • # List of all units where a client is member only, not manager.
  • #
  • unitMemberIds: [UUID!]!
  • userRecalculationState: UserRecalculationStateEnum
  • # Checks which permissions current user has on concrete entity instance.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # permissions: [Not documented]
  • instancePermissions(permissions: [EntityPermsEnum!]!): [EntityPermsEnum!]!
  • }

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