
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type OnlineFormTypeEntity {
  • hasDraft: Boolean
  • # Tells if the entity instance is protected against delete (Entities that need to
  • # be present in the system at any time). Delete action still may fail if entity is
  • # deletable, due some other additional validations.
  • isDeleteProtected: Boolean!
  • formEditApi: OnlineForm
  • # Returns if user can change readonly flag on this entity_type.
  • canChangeReadonly: Boolean
  • # Unique identifier of entity.
  • id: ID!
  • # Specifies if the entity is considered deleted.
  • isDeleted: Boolean
  • # Last modification time.
  • modified: DateTime
  • # Creation time.
  • created: DateTime
  • owner: ClientEntity
  • # Boolean value.
  • autoPrefillWithJavascript: Boolean
  • # Multi-line text input field.
  • description: String
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • entityType: BaseEntityTypeEnum!
  • # Form definition in json format.
  • formEdit: JSONString!
  • # Boolean value.
  • isEnabled: Boolean!
  • # Boolean value.
  • isReadonly: Boolean!
  • # Datetime information.
  • lastSchemaChange: DateTime
  • # Datetime information.
  • lastStatusChange: DateTime
  • # Name of the entity and its default text representation.
  • name: String!
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • ownerId: ID!
  • # Revision when entity was lastly changed.
  • revision: Int
  • responseAcceptanceThreshold: Int
  • sentCount: Int
  • sentUniqueCount: Int
  • responseCount: Int
  • responseRate: Float
  • lastResponseDate: DateTime
  • lastResponseBy: String
  • # Relations to OnlineForms.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: Filter OnlineForm relations by target OnlineForm
  • # attributes.
  • # orderBy: Order OnlineForm relations by target OnlineForm
  • # attributes.
  • # includeDeleted: Returns deleted target records as well. Default
  • # is true.
  • # before: Cursor until which to take entities to result set.
  • # after: Cursor after which to start taking entities to result
  • # set.
  • # first: Number of entities to return from beginning of the
  • # result set.
  • # last: Return only the "last" number of entities from result
  • # set.
  • activityLogs(
  • filter: OnlineFormFilterInput,
  • orderBy: [OnlineFormOrderByInput!],
  • includeDeleted: Boolean,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): OnlineFormEntityConnection
  • linkId: String!
  • summarizedResponseValues: Int
  • link: String
  • status: ProcessStatusEnum
  • hasCustomRecaptcha: Boolean!
  • # Checks which permissions current user has on concrete entity instance.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # permissions: [Not documented]
  • instancePermissions(permissions: [EntityPermsEnum!]!): [EntityPermsEnum!]!
  • usedFieldIds: [ID!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # category: [Not documented]
  • # sortBy: [Not documented]
  • # sortOrder: [Not documented]
  • # before: [Not documented]
  • # after: [Not documented]
  • # first: [Not documented]
  • # last: [Not documented]
  • responseSummaries(
  • category: ResponseSummaryRelationCategory!,
  • sortBy: OnlineFormTypeDetailGridSortBy,
  • sortOrder: SortOrder,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): OnlineFormResponseSummaryItemConnection
  • # Arguments
  • # filter: [Not documented]
  • # sortBy: [Not documented]
  • # sortByFieldId: [Not documented]
  • # sortOrder: [Not documented]
  • # before: [Not documented]
  • # after: [Not documented]
  • # first: [Not documented]
  • # last: [Not documented]
  • responses(
  • filter: FieldFilterParams,
  • sortBy: OnlineFormTypeDetailResponseGridSortBy,
  • sortByFieldId: ID,
  • sortOrder: SortOrder,
  • before: String,
  • after: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): OnlineFormResponseItemConnection
  • }