
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input CreateAppointmentScheduleInput {
  • clientMutationId: String
  • # Last modification time.
  • modified: DateTime
  • # Creation time.
  • created: DateTime
  • # String value.
  • appointmentDescription: String!
  • # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
  • #
  • # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
  • #
  • appointmentDuration: Float
  • # String value.
  • appointmentLocation: String!
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • appointmentLocationType: AppointmentScheduleLocationTypeEnum
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • appointmentOwnerId: ID!
  • # String value.
  • appointmentSubject: String!
  • # Boolean value.
  • appointmentSubjectUsesScheduleName: Boolean!
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • appointmentTypeId: ID!
  • # Generic field wrapping sqlalchemy column, configurable by constructor.
  • #
  • # Good for one-of fields / generated fields.
  • #
  • availabilityTzid: String
  • # Whole natural number.
  • bufferTimeAfter: Int!
  • # Whole natural number.
  • bufferTimeBefore: Int!
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • confirmationPageType: AppointmentScheduleConfirmationPageTypeEnum
  • # URL - HTTP address.
  • confirmationPageUrl: String
  • # Boolean value.
  • isEnabled: Boolean!
  • # Whole natural number.
  • minimumNoticeTime: Int!
  • # Name of the entity and its default text representation.
  • name: String!
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • ownerId: ID!
  • # Whole natural number.
  • planningDayOffset: Int!
  • # Date information.
  • planningPeriodFrom: Date
  • # Date information.
  • planningPeriodTo: Date
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • planningType: AppointmentSchedulePlanningTypeEnum
  • # Boolean value.
  • reminderEmailEnabled: Boolean!
  • # Whole natural number.
  • reminderEmailOffset: Int!
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • reminderEmailOffsetType: AppointmentScheduleReminderOffsetTypeEnum
  • # Relation to single entity instance.
  • replyCompanyEmailId: ID
  • # String value.
  • scheduleName: String!
  • # Whole natural number.
  • timeIncrement: Int!
  • # Field whose values are strictly defined with an enumeration of values.
  • type: AppointmentScheduleTypeEnum
  • # String value.
  • url: String!
  • additionalFieldsData: [AppointmentScheduleAdditionalFieldParams!]!
  • availabilityData: AppointmentScheduleAvailabilityParams!
  • appointmentInviteesData: [AppointmentScheduleInviteeParams!]!
  • }

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